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Cygwin 3.1.0 發布,Windows下的Linux開發環境

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2019-12-17 , reply:0

Cygwin 3.1.0 發布了,Cygwin是許多自由軟體的集合,最初由Cygnus Solutions開發,用於各種版本的Microsoft Windows上,運行UNIX類系統。Cygwin的主要目的是通過重新編譯,將POSIX系統(例如Linux、BSD,以及其他Unix系統)上的軟體移植到Windows上。Cygwin移植工作在Windows NT、Windows 2000、Windows XP以及Windows Server 2003上比較好,在Windows 95和Windows 98上,相對差勁一些。目前Cygwin由Red Hat等負責維護。


 * cygwin-3.1.0-1
 * cygwin-devel-3.1.0-1
 * cygwin-doc-3.1.0-1

該版本包含一些新特性和 bug 修復,主要有:

 - Add 24 bit color support using xterm compatibility mode in Windows 10
   1703 or later.  Add fake 24 bit color support for legacy console,
   which uses the nearest color from 16 system colors.
 - Support pseudo console in PTY. Pseudo console is a new feature
   in Windows 10 1809, which provides console APIs on virtual
   terminal. With this patch, native console applications can work
   in PTYs such as mintty, ssh, gnu screen or tmux.
 - New APIs: sched_getaffinity, sched_setaffinity, pthread_getaffinity_np,
   pthread_setaffinity_np, plus CPU_SET macros.
 - New APIs: dbm_clearerr, dbm_close, dbm_delete, dbm_dirfno, dbm_error,
   dbm_fetch, dbm_firstkey, dbm_nextkey, dbm_open, dbm_store.
 What changed:
 - FIFOs can now be opened multiple times for writing.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-03/msg00047.html
 - If a SA_SIGINFO signal handler changes the ucontext_t pointed to by
   the third parameter, follow it after returning from the handler.
 - Eliminate a header file name collision with <X11/XLocale.h> on case
   insensitive filesystems by reverting <xlocale.h> back to <sys/_locale.h>.
 - Allow times(2) to have a NULL argument, as on Linux.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-09/msg00141.html
 - Improve /proc/cpuinfo output and align more closely with Linux.
 - Raise stackdump frame limit from 16 to 32.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-11/msg00038.html
 Bug Fixes
 - Fix select() on console in canonical mode.  Return after one line is
   completed, instead of when only one key is typed.
 - Make console I/O functions thread-safe.
 - Define missing MSG_EOR.  It's unsupported by the underlying Winsock
   layer so using it in send(2), sendto(2), or sendmsg(2) will return -1
   with errno set to EOPNOTSUPP and recvmsg(2) will never return it.
 - Fix a timerfd deadlock.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-06/msg00096.html
 - Fix sigpending() incorrectly returning signals for unrelated threads.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-07/msg00051.html
 - Fix a hang when opening a FIFO with O_PATH.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-developers/2019-06/msg00001.html
 - Don't append ".lnk" when renaming a socket file.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-07/msg00139.html
 - Make tcsetpgrp() return -1 if its argument is negative.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-07/msg00166.html
 - Avoid mistakenly moving a process under debugger control into the
   process group of the debugger.
   Addresses a problem visible in GDB 8.1.1, related to
 - Return ENOEXEC from execve for arbitrary files only if the files are
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-08/msg00054.html
 - Fix off-by-one in environment evaluation leading to an abort.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-patches/2019-q3/msg00069.html
 - Make output of /proc/[PID]/stat consistent with getpriority().
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-08/msg00082.html
 - 64 bit only: Avoid collisions between memory maps created with shmat
   and Windows datastructures during fork.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-08/msg00107.html
 - Make rmdir fail if its argument is a symlink.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-09/msg00221.html
 - Fix an assertion failure on an invalid path.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-09/msg00228.html
 - If the argument to mkdir(2) or rmdir(2) is 'x:\', don't strip the
   trailing backslash.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-08/msg00334.html
 - Make spawnvp, spawnvpe fail if the executable is not in $PATH.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-10/msg00032.html
 - Fix parent/child relationship after parent dies.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-09/msg00263.html
 - Fix a security problem if Cygwin is installed into a path
   with spaces in it.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-11/msg00018.html
 - Fix an assertion failure when /cygdrive contains an offline network
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-12/msg00016.html
 - Fix return value of ilogbl for 0 input.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-12/msg00074.html
 - Let strtold set errno to ERANGE on underflow per POSIX.
   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-12/msg00072.html

[admin ]

Cygwin 3.1.0 發布,Windows下的Linux開發環境已經有357次圍觀
