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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-22 , reply:0



英文原文:Could Huawei be the next Apple or Samsung?[indent]Major mobile manufacturers such as Apple, LG, Nokia, and Samsung are part of everyday lives and lingo, also part to the massive advertising campaigns. That could all change in the years to come if China's Huawei has their way. Haven't heard of Huawei? Well to begin with, let's take a quick lesson on how to pronounce Huawei; it's "Wah Way".

According to an interview with The Telegraph, Huawei's CEO Wan Biao is quite determined and optimistic to make Huawei a household name, "If you look back five years ago, Apple is small, Samsung is not so big," says Wan. "You can't see where we'll be in five years. At least top three. Maybe number one."[/indent]

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