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Narayana 5.10.0.Final 發布,JBoss 事務服務

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2019-11-11 , reply:0

Narayana 5.10.0.Final 發布,JBoss 事務服務(JBossTS 也叫 Narayana )保護企業數據破壞,保證數據完整、準確。為基於Java的應用程序(包括那些寫給JEE和EJB框架)從而消除風險和相關成本非常耗時的和解失敗后。


5.10.0.Final 版本改進記錄:

Component Upgrade

  • [JBTM-3196] - Upgrade to Artemis version 2.9.0


  • [JBTM-3199] - Include the lra coordinator war in the distribution


  • [JBTM-2867] - Investigate un-_workList protected access to _work object
  • [JBTM-3188] - Location of the lock store is not configurable
  • [JBTM-3189] - Resteasy providers are absent when a thread from the ForkJoinPool is used to cancel the LRA
  • [JBTM-3192] - LRA trip-client quickstart fails to run succesfully
  • [JBTM-3194] - JDBC ConnectionManager has deadlock potential
  • [JBTM-3195] - CacheStore failed a read_committed check in CI
  • [JBTM-3198] - LRA Quickstart failures
  • [JBTM-3202] - org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:3.1.0:single failed: user id '' is too big
  • [JBTM-3203] - Align XTS SSL quickstart to use the WFLY18 bom when released
  • [JBTM-3207] - The LRA coordinator no longer runs on thorntail
  • [JBTM-3211] - Re-enable lra-test-basic


  • [JBTM-3214] - Add a BeanPopulator method to directly provide a config bean

[admin ]

Narayana 5.10.0.Final 發布,JBoss 事務服務已經有198次圍觀
