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nuster v5.0.1.21 發布,高性能緩存伺服器

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2020-04-14 , reply:0

nuster 是一個基於 HAProxy 的高性能 HTTP 緩存伺服器和 RESTful NoSQL 緩存伺服器,既可以用作類似 Varnish 或者 Nginx 那樣的 HTTP 緩存伺服器,來緩存動態或者靜態的 HTTP 資源,也可以用作 RESTful NoSQL 緩存伺服器, 用 HTTP POST/GET/DELETE 來 添加 /取得 /刪除 Key/Value。 

中文 readme:https://github.com/jiangwenyuan/nuster/blob/master/README-CN.md

本次是基於最新 HTX 版的 HAProxy 的全新重新以及重構,帶來了很多性能提升,支持客戶端和 Proxy,Proxy和後端伺服器的 HTTP2 連接等。

A complete refactored version based on HTX version of HAProxy. Lots of changes, updates, improvements, to name a few:

  • Add nuster manager, moved purge-method and uri to manager, support both cache and nosql
  • Update new stats, support both cache and nosql
  • Update purger, add basic and advance purger, support creating key based on rule
  • Add memory on|off, disk on|off|sync, in form of backend store, more easier to add new store
  • Create new key, avoided redundant compuating, improved performance
  • Unified lots of components

[admin ]

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