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mysql 報錯

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-03 , reply:0

mysql 報錯

# Query_time: 13.374415  Lock_time: 0.000173 Rows_sent: 2  Rows_examined: 45832
83623 SET timestamp=1358213720;
83624 SELECT `hid`,`communityname`,`title`,`areaid`,`circleid`,`price`,`room`,`hall`,`toilet`,`area`,`titlepic`,`decorate`,`istop` FROM `house_esf_sell`        WHERE istop = 1 and status = 1 and usertype = 2 and not hid in(200875,197395,199110,199656,199661)  ORDER BY sort ASC  LIMIT 14;
83625 # Time: 130115  9:42:30
83626 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83627 # Query_time: 5.613980  Lock_time: 0.000104 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 465201
83628 SET timestamp=1358214150;
83629 SELECT sum(pv) as num FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 192710 AND housetype = 1  LIMIT 1;
83630 # Time: 130115  9:42:40
83631 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83632 # Query_time: 5.672656  Lock_time: 0.000121 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 465201
83633 SET timestamp=1358214160;
83634 SELECT sum(pv) as num FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 200849 AND housetype = 1  LIMIT 1;
83635 # Time: 130115  9:42:46
83636 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83637 # Query_time: 5.342160  Lock_time: 0.000131 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 465134
83638 SET timestamp=1358214166;
83639 SELECT pv FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 200841 AND housetype = 1 AND updatetime = 1358179200  LIMIT 1;
83640 # Time: 130115  9:43:59
83641 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83642 # Query_time: 7.009743  Lock_time: 0.000112 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 465202
83643 SET timestamp=1358214239;
83644 SELECT sum(pv) as num FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 194545 AND housetype = 1  LIMIT 1;
83645 # Time: 130115  9:44:09
83646 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83647 # Query_time: 6.066209  Lock_time: 0.000169 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 441410
83648 SET timestamp=1358214249;
83649 SELECT pv FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 192710 AND housetype = 1 AND updatetime = 1358092800  LIMIT 1;
83650 # Time: 130115  9:44:27
83651 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83652 # Query_time: 7.263222  Lock_time: 0.000095 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 465202
83653 SET timestamp=1358214267;
83654 SELECT sum(pv) as num FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 192702 AND housetype = 1  LIMIT 1;
83655 # Time: 130115  9:44:33
83656 # User@Host: bdinfo @ localhost []
83657 # Query_time: 6.478347  Lock_time: 0.000080 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 465202
83658 SET timestamp=1358214273;
83659 SELECT pv FROM `house_esf_count`  WHERE hid = 192697 AND housetype = 1 AND updatetime = 1358179200  LIMIT 1;

哪裡報錯了 這是慢查詢日誌吧

[火星人 ] mysql 報錯已經有347次圍觀
