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Squid 3.1.1 發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-29 , reply:0

Squid Cache(簡稱為Squid)是一個流行的自由軟體(GNU通用公共許可證)的代理伺服器和Web緩存伺服器。Squid有廣泛的用途,從作為網頁服務 器的前置cache伺服器緩存相關請求來提高Web伺服器的速度,到為一組人共享網路資源而緩存萬維網,域名系統和其他網路搜索,到通過過濾流量幫助網路 安全,到區域網通過代理上網。Squid主要設計用於在Unix一類系統運行。Squid的發展歷史相當悠久,功能也相當完善。除了HTTP外,對於 FTP與HTTPS的支持也相當好,在3.0 測試版中也支持了IPv6。

下載: http://bo.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/squid/squid-3.1.1.tar.bz2
patch: http://bo.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/squid/squid-3.1.1.patch
ReleaseNote: http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.1/RELEASENOTES.html

New features is:

* Connection Pinning (for NTLM Auth Passthrough)
* Native IPv6
* Quality of Service (QoS) Flow support
* Native Memory Cache
* SSL Bump (for HTTPS Filtering and Adaptation)
* TProxy v4.1+ support
* eCAP Adaptation Module support
* Error Page Localization
* Follow X-Forwarded-For support
* X-Forwarded-For options extended (truncate, delete, transparent)
* Peer-Name ACL
* Reply headers to external ACL.
* ICAP and eCAP Logging
* ICAP Service Sets and Chains
* ICY (SHOUTcast) streaming protocol support
* HTTP/1.1 support on connections to web servers and peers.
(with plans to make this full support within the 3.1 series)

Changes to squid-3.1.1 (29 Mar 2010):

- Bug 2873: undefined symbol
- Bug 2827: assertion in authentication
- Remove ufsdump binary from default builds
- Remove pinger from default startups
- ... and several documentation updates.

[火星人 ] Squid 3.1.1 發布已經有394次圍觀
