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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-29 , reply:0

aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are http(s)/ftp/BitTorrent/Metalink. aria2
has powerful segmented downloading ability, downloading a file from multiple sources and multiple protocols,
utilizing your download bandwidth to the max. It even supports downloading a file from http(s)/ftp and
BitTorrent at the same time, while the data downloaded form http(s)/ftp is uploaded to BitTorrent swarm.

aria2 also provides most reliable http(s)/ftp downloading experience ever. Using Metalink´s chunk checksums,
aria2 automatically validates chunk of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent.




配置文件 aria2.conf


aria2c - The ultra fast download utility

aria2c [OPTIONS] URL ...



aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are
http(s)/ftp/BitTorrent/Metalink. aria2 has powerful segmented
downloading ability, downloading a file from multiple sources and
multiple protocols, utilizing your download bandwidth to the max. It
even supports downloading a file from http(s)/ftp and BitTorrent at the
same time, while the data downloaded form http(s)/ftp is uploaded to
BitTorrent swarm.

aria2 also provides most reliable http(s)/ftp downloading experience
ever. Using Metalink´s chunk checksums, aria2 automatically validates
chunk of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent.

-d, --dir=DIR
The directory to store the downloaded file.

-o, --out=FILE
The file name of the downloaded file.

In Metalink, BitTorrent download you cannot specify file name.
The file name specified here is only used when the URLs fed to
aria2 is done by command line without -i option, like this:
aria2c -o myfile.zip http://mirror1/file.zip

-l, --log=LOG
The file name of the log file. If - is specified, log is written to

-D, --daemon
Run as daemon.

-s, --split=N
Download a file using N connections. N must be between 1 and 5.
This option affects all URLs. Thus, aria2 connects to each URL with
N connections. Default: 1

Set the seconds to wait to retry after an error has occured.
Specify a value between 0 and 60. Default: 5

-t, --timeout=SEC
Set timeout in seconds. Default: 60

-m, --max-tries=N
Set number of tries. 0 means unlimited. Default: 5

Use HTTP proxy server. This affects all URLs.

Set HTTP user. This affects all URLs.

Set HTTP password. This affects all URLs.

Set HTTP proxy user. This affects all URLs.

Set HTTP proxy password. This affects all URLs.

Set the method to use in proxy request. METHOD is either get or
tunnel. Default: tunnel

Set HTTP authentication scheme. Currently, basic is the only
supported scheme. Default: basic

Set Referer. This affects all URLs.

Set FTP user. This affects all URLs. Default: anonymous

Set FTP password. This affects all URLs. Default: ARIA2USER@

Set FTP transfer type. TYPE is either binary or ascii. Default:

-p, --ftp-pasv
Use passive mode in FTP.

Use HTTP proxy in FTP. METHOD is either get or tunnel. Default:

Close connection if download speed is lower than or equal to this
value(bytes per sec). 0 means aria2 does not have a lowest speed
limit. You can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). This option
does not affect BitTorrent downloads. Default: 0

Set max download speed in bytes per sec. 0 means unrestricted. You
can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). Default: 0

Specify file allocation method. METHOD is either none or prealloc.
none doesn´t pre-allocate file space. prealloc pre-allocates file
space before download begins. This may take some time depending on
the size of the file. Default: prealloc

In multi file torrent, the files adjacent forward to the
specified files are also allocated if they share a same piece.

No file allocation is made for files whose size is smaller than
SIZE. You can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). Default: 5M

Enable directI/O, which lowers cpu usage while allocating/checking
files. Turn off if you encounter any error. Default: false

If false is given, aria2 doesn´t download a file which already
exists but the corresponding .aria2 file doesn´t exist. In
http(s)/ftp download, if --auto-file-renaming=true then, file name
will be renamed. See --auto-file-renaming for details. Default:

If false is given, aria2 aborts download when a piece length is
different from one in a control file. If true is given, you can
proceed but some download progress will be lost. Default: false

-Z, --force-sequential[=true|false]
Fetch URIs in the command-line sequentially and download each URI
in a separate session, like the usual command-line download
utilities. Default: false

Rename file name if the same file already exists. This option works
only in http(s)/ftp download. The new file name has a dot and a
number(1..9999) appended. Default: true

-P, --parameterized-uri[=true|false]
Enable parameterized URI support. You can specify set of parts:
http://{sv1,sv2,sv3}/foo.iso. Also you can specify numeric
sequences with step counter: http://host/image[000-100:2].img. A
step counter can be omitted. If all URIs do not point to the same
file, such as the second example above, -Z option is required.
Default: false

Enable HTTP/1.1 persistent connection. Default: false

Enable HTTP/1.1 pipelining. Default: false

Check file integrity by validating piece hash. This option only
affects in BitTorrent downloads and Metalink downloads with chunk
checksums. Use this option to re-download a damaged portion of a
file. Default: false

Validate chunk of data by calculating checkusm while download a
file if chunk checksums are provided. Currently Metalink is the
only way to to provide chunk checksums. Default: true

-c, --continue
Continue downloading a partially downloaded file. Use this option
to resume a download started by a web browser or another program
which downloads files sequentially from the beginning. Currently
this option is only applicable to http(s)/ftp downloads.

-U, --user-agent=USER_AGENT
Set user agent for http(s) downloads.

-n, --no-netrc
Disables netrc support. netrc support is enabled by default.

-i, --input-file=FILE
Downloads URIs found in FILE. You can specify multiple URIs for a
single entity: separate URIs on a single line using the TAB
character. Reads input from stdin when - is specified.

-j, --max-concurrent-downloads=N
Set maximum number of concurrent downloads. It should be used with
the -i option. Default: 5

Load cookies from FILE. The format of FILE is the same used by
Netscape and Mozilla.

-S, --show-files
Print file listing of .torrent or .metalink file and exit. In case
of .torrent file, additional information (infohash, piece length,
etc) is also printed.

Set file to download by specifing its index. You can find the file
index using the --show-files option. Multiple indexes can be
specified by using ",", for example: 3,6. You can also use "-" to
specify a range: 1-5. "," and "-" can be used together: 1-5,8,9.
When used with the -M option, index may vary depending on the query
(see --metalink-* options).

In multi file torrent, the adjacent files specified by this
option may also be downloaded. This is by design, not a bug. A
single piece may include several files or part of files, and
aria2 writes the piece to the appropriate files.

-T, --torrent-file=TORRENT_FILE
The path to the .torrent file.

If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .torrent
or content type is application/x-bittorrent is downloaded, aria2
parses it as a torrent file and downloads files mentioned in it. If
mem is specified, a torrent file is not written to the disk, but is
just kept in memory. If false is specified, the action mentioned
above is not taken. Default: true

Directly read from and write to each file mentioned in .torrent
file. Use this option if lots of files are listed in .torrent file
and aria2 complains it cannot open files anymore. Default: true

Set TCP port number for BitTorrent downloads. Multiple ports can be
specified by using ",", for example: 6881,6885. You can also use
"-" to specify a range: 6881-6999. "," and "-" can be used
together: 6881-6889,6999. Default: 6881-6999

Make sure that the specified ports are open for incoming TCP

Set max upload speed in bytes per sec. 0 means unrestricted. You
can append K or M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). Default: 0

Specify seeding time in minutes. Also see the --seed-ratio option.

Specify share ratio. Seed completed torrents until share ratio
reaches] RATIO. I strongly encourages you to specify equals or more
than 1.0 here. Specify 0.0 if you intend to do seeding regardless
of share ratio. If --seed-time option is specified along with this
option, seeding ends when at least one of the conditions is
satisfied. Default: 1.0

Specify the prefix of peer ID. The peer ID in BitTorrent is 20 byte
length. If more than 20 bytes are specified, only first 20 bytes
are used. If less than 20 bytes are specified, the random alphabet
characters are added to make it´s length 20 bytes. Default: -aria2-

-M, --metalink-file=METALINK_FILE
The file path to .metalink file.

-C, --metalink-servers=NUM_SERVERS
The number of servers to connect to simultaneously. Some metalinks
regulates the number of servers to connect. aria2 respects them.
Default: 5

The version of the file to download.

The language of the file to download.

The operating system of the file to download.

The location of the preferred server. A comma-deliminated list of
locations is acceptable, for example, JP,US.

If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .metaink
or content type is application/metalink+xml is downloaded, aria2
parses it as a metalink file and downloads files mentioned in it.
If mem is specified, a metalink file is not written to the disk,
but is just kept in memory. If false is specified, the action
mentioned above is not taken. Default: true

-v, --version
Print the version number, copyright and the configuration
information and exit.

-h, --help
Print this message and exit.

You can specify multiple URLs. Unless you specify -Z option, all
URLs must point to the same file or downloading will fail. You can
specify both torrent file with -T option and URLs. By doing this,
download a file from both torrent swarm and http(s)/ftp server at
the same time, while the data from http(s)/ftp are uploaded to the
torrent swarm. Note that only single file torrent can be integrated
with http(s)/ftp.

Make sure that URL is quoted with single(´) or double(")
quotation if it contains "&" or any characters that have
special meaning in shell.

HTTP/FTP Segmented Download
Download a file using 1 connection
aria2c http://host/file.zip

To pause a download, press Ctrl-C. You can resume the transfer
by run aria2c with the same argument at the same directory. You
can change URLs as long as they are pointing to the same file.

Download a file using 2 connections
aria2c -s 2 http://host/file.zip

Download a file from 2 difference http servers
aria2c http://host1/file.zip ftp://host2/file.zip

Download a file from http and ftp servers
aria2c http://host1/file.zip ftp://host2/file.zip

Download files listed in a file concurrently
aria2c -i files.txt -j 5

-j option specifies the number of concurrent downloads.

Metalink Download
Download files with remote Metalink
aria2c --follow-metalink=mem http://host/file.metalink

Download using a local metalink file
aria2c -p -t 10 --lowest-speed-limit 4000 -M test.metalink

To pause a download, press Ctrl-C. You can resume the transfer
by run aria2c with the same argument at the same directory.

Download only selected files using index
aria2c -M test.metalink --select-file 1-4,8

The index is printed to the console using -S option.

Download a file using a local .metalink file with user preference
aria2c -M test.metalink --metalink-location=JP,US --metalink-version=1.1 --metalink-language=en-US

BitTorrent Download
Download files from remote BitTorrent file
aria2c --follow-bittorrent=mem http://host/file.torrent

Download using a local torrent file
aria2c --max-upload-limit 40K -T file.torrent

--max-upload-limit specifies the max of upload rate.

To pause a download, press Ctrl-C. You can resume the transfer
by run aria2c with the same argument at the same directory.

Download a file using torrent and http/ftp server
aria2c -T test.torrent http://host1/file ftp://host2/file

Downloading multi file torrent with http/ftp is not supported.

Download only selected files using index(usually called "selectable
aria2c -T test.torrent --select-file 1-4,8

The index is printed to the console using -S option.

Change the listening port for incoming peer
aria2c -T test.torrent --listen-port 7000-7001,8000

Specify the condition to stop program after torrent download finished
aria2c -T test.torrent --seed-time 120 --seed-ratio 1.0

In the above example, the program exists when the 120 minutes
has elapsed since download completed or seed ratio reaches 1.0.

Throttle upload speed
aria2c -T test.torrent --max-upload-limit 100K

More advanced HTTP features
Load cookies
aria2c --load-cookies cookies.txt http://host/file.zip

You can use Firefox/Mozilla´s cookie file without modification.

Resume download started by web browsers or another programs
aria2c -c -s 2 http://host/partiallydownloadedfile.zip

And more advanced features
Throttle download speed
aria2c -M test.metalink --max-download-limit 100K

Repair a damaged download using --check-integrity option
aria2c -M test.metalink --check-integrity=true

This option is only available used with BitTorrent or metalink
with chunk checksums.

Drop connection if download speed is lower than specified value
aria2c -M test.metalink --lowest-speed-limit 10K

Parameterized URI support
You can specify set of parts:

aria2c -P http://{host1,host2,host3}/file.iso
You can specify numeric sequence:

aria2c -Z -P http://host/image[000-100].png

-Z option is required if the all URIs don´t point to the same
file, such as the above example.

You can specify step counter:

aria2c -Z -P http://host/image[A-Z:2].png

Usually, you can resume transfer by just issuing same command(aria2c
URL) if the previous transfer is made by aria2.

If the previous transfer is made by a browser or wget like sequencial
download manager, then use -c option to continue the transfer(aria2c -c

aria2 uses a control file to keep track the progress of download. A
control file is placed at the same directory of the dowloading file and
its filename is the filename of downloading file with ".aria2"
appended. For example, if you are downloading file.zip, then the
control file should be file.zip.aria2. (There is a exception for this
naming convention. If you are downloading a multi torrent, its control
file is the "top directory" name of the torrent with ".aria2" appended.
The "top directory" name is a value of "name" key in "info" directory
in a torrent file.)

Usually a control file is deleted once download completed. If aria2
decides that download cannot be resumed(for example, when downloading a
file from a http server which doesn´t support resume), a control file
is not created.

Normally if you lose a control file, you cannot resume download. But if
you have a torrent or metalink with chunk checksums for the file, you
can resume the download without a control file by giving
--check-integrity=true option to aria2c in command-line.

You can seed downloaded file using --check-integrity=true option.

aria2c --check-integrity=true -T file.torrent

User configuration file. It must be placed under ~/.aria2 and must be
named as aria2.conf. In each line, there is 1 parameter whose syntax is
name=value pair, where name is the long command-line option name
without -- prefix. The lines beginning # are treated as comments.

# sample configuration file for aria2c

Project web site: http://aria2.sourceforge.net/

metalink: http://www.metalinker.org/

Report bugs to Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <t-tujikawa@users.sourceforge.net>

Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <t-tujikawa@users.sourceforge.net>

Copyright &#169; 2006, 2007 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with
this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
also delete it here.

12/08/2007 ARIA2C(1)

[火星人 ] 發現變態下載工具——aria2,比迅雷強10倍已經有1215次圍觀
