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Android Studio 2.0 Beta 6 發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2016-02-27 , reply:0

Android Studio 2.0 Beta 6 發布,該版本修復了如下重要的 bug:

  • Apps that were using multiple processes (via android:process in the manifest) were not being updated properly with Instant Run. For the time being, we have turned off Instant Run in such a scenario.

  • Certain devices that have an incorrect version of the 「run-as」 command behaved incorrectly with instant run. This would manifest as instant run being unable to upload a new version when the application wasn』t running. We now properly handle this scenario and gracefully degrade to doing a full apk installation.

  • Instant Run was not working properly if the application was in the background. We now do the correct updates in such a scenario - the application will be terminated and restarted.

  • We automatically turn off Proguard or Jacocco when used with Instant Run.

  • Handling of native libraries :
    - changing source code of a native library should trigger a coldswap.
    - hotswap can lead to UnsatisfedLink exceptions

  • Applications using android-annotations are now compatible with InstantRun.

  • During hot swaps, initial code and incremental updates are no longer loaded from a different class loader

Android Studio 2.0 Beta 6下載地址:



The release is available in the canary channel, so you can switch to that channel (if necessary) and check for updates via Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a patch rather than download a full IDE image. Note however that if you do this, you will replace your existing 1.5 installation, which you may not want to do. Just keep 1.5 and 2.0 Beta installed side by side; they already use separate settings and cache directories. 


 https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/   (314 MB)


https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/   (312 MB)


https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/   (312 MB)

[admin ] Android Studio 2.0 Beta 6 發布已經有816次圍觀
