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Ember v1.13.10/2.0.2/v2.1.0-beta.3 發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2015-09-07 , reply:0

Ember.js 同時發布了 Ember.js 1.13.10,Ember.js 2.0.2 和 Ember.js 2.1.0 beta3 版本,都是 bug 修復版本,主要改進如下:

Ember.js 1.13.10 改進內容:

  • #12104 [BUGFIX] Ensure concatenatedProperties are not stomped.

  • #12256 [BUGFIX] Ensure concat streams unsubscribe properly. Fixes memory leak with attributes specified within quotes in the template (i.e.

  • #12272 [BUGFIX] Update HTMLBars to fix memory leak when an {{each}} is inside an{{if}}.

Ember.js 2.0.2 改進內容:

  • #12103 [BUGFIX] Fix Ember.isArray export

  • #12104 [BUGFIX] Ensure concatenatedProperties are not stomped.

  • #12188 [BUGFIX] Ensure _actions specified to extend works.

  • #12208 [BUGFIX] Fix issue with Ember.computed.sort crashing when it hit a null value.

  • #12256 [BUGFIX] Ensure concat streams unsubscribe properly. Fixes memory leak with attributes specified within quotes in the template (i.e.

  • #12272 [BUGFIX] Update HTMLBars to fix memory leak when using an {{each}} inside of an {{if}}.

Ember.js 2.1.0 beta 3 改進內容:

  • #12157 [DEPRECATION] Allow deprecated access to registry from Application (argument to initializers) and ApplicationInstance (argument to instance initializers) instances.

  • #12156 [BUGFIX] Add helpful error message when providing incorrect arguments toEmber.computed.

  • #12253 [BUGFIX] Remove initializer causing errors during App.reset.

  • #12272 [BUGFIX] Update HTMLBars to fix memory leak when an {{each}} is inside an{{if}}.

  • #12184 [BUGFIX] Prevent classNames from being duplicated.

  • #12198 [BUGFIX] Further cleanup of the link-to component, allow for extending{{link-to}} via Ember.LinkComponent.extend.

  • #12208 [BUGFIX] Ember.computed.sort was crashing when it hit a null value. Fixes #12207.

  • #12188 [BUGFIX] Ensure _actions specified to extend works.

  • #12241 [BUGFIX] Provide a helpful error for undefined closure actions.

  • #12256 [BUGFIX] Ensure concat streams unsubscribe properly.

  • #12262 [BUGFIX] Breaks circular references in rejected jqXhr promises

  • #12297 / #12299 [BUGFIX] Remove extra work per component on initial render.


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