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如何在硬碟建置Linux系統之Install 實際安裝

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-09 , reply:0

   經過以上前置作業後, 我們已經指定了安裝的來源與去處, 且
  對於軟體的安裝範圍也已經指定好, 現在我們真的要把 Linux 系統
   下面畫面的反白停在第一個選項, 這是內定方式, 不熟的朋友
  這裡按, 採用內定方法即可.
  << 畫面 4-53 >>
   ______________________ SELECT PROMPTING MODE _______________________
   ? ?
   ? Now you must select which type of prompting you would like to ?
   ? use while installing your software packages. If you're not ?
   ? sure which mode to use, read the help file. ?
   ? ?
   ? Which type of prompting would you like to use? ?
   ? ________________________________________________________________??
   ?? Normal Use the default tagfiles ??
   ?? Custom Use custom tagfiles in the package directories ??
   ?? Path Use tagfiles in the subdirectories of a custom path ??
   ?? None Use no tagfiles - install everything ??
   ?? HELP Read the prompt mode help file ??
   ? ________________________________________________________________??
   ? < OK > ?
  << 畫面 4-54 >>
   ? PROMPT mode selected. Using prompting ?
   ? defaults found in tagfiles along the way. ?
   以下就開始進行拷貝安裝了, 由於畫面好幾十個, 這裡我們就不
  一一摘錄出來, 我只收錄第一個畫面, 以及其中一個選則 Kernel 的
   以下讀者們會碰到選擇系統核心的過程, 其實照筆者的看法, 以
  下即使您挑選了一個最適合的系統核心 (以下兩個, 以及 Q 系列大約
  有 11 個, 也未必是最適合您硬體以及需求的系統核心. 照筆者這樣
  的淺見, 最適合的系統核心當然要自己來做, 而這也就是為什麽, 筆
  者強調, 系統核心的重新編譯 (Recompile Kernel) 是您系統安裝完
  成, 且開始正常運轉了, 之後的第一件工作.

   假如您也認為筆者以上的看法可接受, 以下選擇系統 Kernel時,
  您的選擇底線, 就是, 最起碼, 該 Kernel 能夠啟動您的機器, 並成
  功認得您的硬體配備. 最起碼, 這樣子能夠確保系統能夠初步運轉
  起來, 之後就可以重新編譯一份系統核心.
  << 畫面 4-55 >>
   ______ Auto-installing package ==>base<== Priority: [required] ________?
   ? ?
   ? Basic Linux filesystem package. ?
   ? ?
   ? Sets up the basic directory structure and adds a few important ?
   ? binaries such as GNU mtools 2.0.7 and fdisk. ?
   ? ?
   ? ?
   ? ?
   ? ?
   ? ?
   ? ?
   ? ?
   ? Size: Compressed: 128K, uncompressed: 410K. ?
   以下畫面要選擇一個系統核心, 假如我們的機器剛好是 IDE 硬碟
  界面, 剛好也只需要 UMSDOS 及 PPP 兩項支援, 這裡就按
  選擇安裝, 假如不是, 或者是 IDE 但需要更多支援, 您需要則把反白
  移到 , 就可以跳過不安裝.
  << 畫面 4-56 >>
   ________ Package Name: ==>idekern<== Priority: [recommended] __________?
   ? ?
   ? Linux kernel version 1.1.54, without SCSI support. ?
   ? ?
   ? A Linux kernel for computers that do not need SCSI support. You MUST ?
   ? install a kernel image in order for your system to boot. This kernel ?
   ? also contains UMSDOS and PPP. See the file 'config.in' for an exact ?
   ? list of included drivers. ?
   ? ?
   ? ***IMPORTANT***! If you have special hardware, such as a non-SCSI ?
   ? CD-ROM drive, you'll need to install a kernel from the Q series that ?

   ? supports it, or compile the support into your own custom kernel. ?
   ? ?
   ? Size: Compressed: 398K, uncompressed: 480K. ?
   ? ?
   ? Install package idekern? ?
   ? _____________________________________________________________________ ?
   ?? Yes Install package idekern ??
   ? ____________( )_____________________________________________________ ?
   ? < OK > ?
   __________________ INSTALLING __________________?
   ? Installing package idekern ?
   假如您使用 SCSI 界面硬碟, 您要選用下面畫面, 若不是, 則跳
  過去不選用. 注意, 整個 Q 系列有其他更多選擇.
  << 畫面 4-57A >>
   ________ Package Name: ==>scsikern<== Priority: [recommended] _________
   ? ?
   ? Linux kernel version 1.1.54, with SCSI IDE support. ?
   ? ?
   ? This is a Linux kernel with full support for SCSI devices such as hard ?
   ? drives, tape drives, and CD-ROM drives. This kernel also contains ?
   ? UMSDOS and PPP. See the file 'config.in' for an exact list of ?
   ? included drivers. ?
   ? ?
   ? ***IMPORTANT***! If you have special hardware, such as a non-SCSI ?
   ? CD-ROM drive, you'll need to install a kernel from the Q series that ?
   ? supports it, or compile the support into your own custom kernel. ?
   ? ?
   ? Size: Compressed: 487K, uncompressed: 580K. ?
   ? ?
   ? In

[火星人 ] 如何在硬碟建置Linux系統之Install 實際安裝已經有906次圍觀
