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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-25 , reply:0



比如fedora 9的開發代號是sulphur,英文意思是硫磺,fedora 8的開發代號是Werewolf,英文意思是狼人,而硫磺在古代是用來驅散狼群用的;fedora 7的代號是moonshine,英文意思是月光,傳說中人看到月光就會變成狼人。


Fedora 9 (Sulphur)
Sulphur is an element that causes an adverse reaction (tarnishing) when it contacts silver. In mythology, it is a element used to drive away werewolves.

Fedora 8 (Werewolf)
Werewolf is the name of a movie about a dude who turns into a werewolf. A werewolf also has an adverse reaction (death) when it comes into contact with silver.

Fedora 7 (Moonshine)
Moonshine is an independent record label, and also the name of a movie.

Fedora Core 6 (Zod)
General Zod is a character in the DC Comics universe, as well as an independent record label.

Fedora Core 5 (Bordeaux)
Bordeaux is a wine-producing region in France, as well as a comic book character.

Fedora Core 4 (Stentz)
Andre Stentz is a French winery. As such, both Heidelberg and Stentz are distributors of alcoholic beverages.

Fedora Core 3 (Heidelberg)
Heidelberg is a city in Germany, and also a brand/distributor of beer.

Fedora Core 2 (Tettnang)
Tettnang is a city in Germany that is a producer of hops.

Fedora Core 1 (Yarrow)
Yarrow is a plant with many uses. Prior to the use of hops in the flavoring of beer, yarrow was used for this purpose.

[火星人 ] 有趣的fedora開發代號已經有476次圍觀
